Thursday, December 3, 2009


Tomorrow we will go to court in the morning!!! Yuri says everything looks great. Lexi is so anxious to come home with us. She has enjoyed our visits greatly. The judge has asked her to come to court tomorrow. I will post when we have the ruling that she is officially our child. Please, be in prayer for the miracle of the ten day wait to be waived!!! Many blessings...Trisha, Duane, and Lexi


  1. I am so glad that everything is good!! I have been praying for you...Isn't it tomorrow there yet? :) Love you!!!!!!!!

  2. Will pray for y'all at tonight's Divine Liturgy honoring St. Barbara the Great Martyr - asking for her intercession on y'all behalf before God's throne! I can't wait to meet this sweet child.


  3. Praying to Mother Teresa for intercession of the 10 day wait.So strange I pulled up this blog and you have court today!
    Buckets of love,
