The good news of the day is that the dossier is completed...with one hiccup!!!! It is even in a box ready to FedEx on Tuesday to K2A. I laid all the documents out on the kitchen table and began checking the apostille to the notary as instructed in the dossier kit. Then guess what...I got quite upset as they had an apostille for a document that was not for the correct notary. I almost wanted to ignore the error!!!
Then I realized that somewhere along the line it would be seen and rejected. This would probably take more time than if I did the document over and then had it apostilled again...urgh!!! This is so discouraging. I thought I was at the end of the paper chase and apostille error.
We even made copies of the dossier and my final step was to put it all in proper order. There is a form from K2A that you use as a check off list. It asks for the name of the notary, the apostille number, and the expiration of the notary for each document. Everything was great until I reached two documents that had wrong notary apostilles on them. Two in a row no less. How did they mess up two in a row and not see that?!?!?!
I am baffled and discouraged. Obviously I am posting this so late because I can not sleep. These documents will have to be redone, sent to me, sent to the apostille office, sent back to me to check them, and then sent to K2A. Can you believe it!?!?!?!?! This evening I went to my emails while I was making this post and Joel Osteen had sent his daily devotional or mini sermon. I have copied it because it so fits the situation I am in today. Here it is:
Focus on the Dream
"If God is for us, who can ever be against us? "(Romans 8:31, NLT)
"If God is for us, who can ever be against us? "(Romans 8:31, NLT)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
What are you focusing on today? Are you focusing on your difficult situation, or on God's promises? You may have all kinds of problems coming at you. Maybe you're feeling discouraged as new problems and challenges have popped up in your life. Don't let it get you down. Don't let it take your focus off of God. He is working on your behalf in the supernatural, even when you can't see it. Keep your trust and your focus on His promises, not on your problems.
What are you focusing on today? Are you focusing on your difficult situation, or on God's promises? You may have all kinds of problems coming at you. Maybe you're feeling discouraged as new problems and challenges have popped up in your life. Don't let it get you down. Don't let it take your focus off of God. He is working on your behalf in the supernatural, even when you can't see it. Keep your trust and your focus on His promises, not on your problems.
It's important that you keep your heart in an attitude of faith. Believe that God is for you. Believe His plans for you have not changed despite new problems or troubling circumstances. The more you focus on what God's doing, the more your faith will grow.
If it feels like you're facing impossible challenges, don't be afraid. God is on your side–nothing is impossible for Him.
If it feels like you're facing impossible challenges, don't be afraid. God is on your side–nothing is impossible for Him.
Stay focused on what God can do in your life. Remember, He's always in control. God knows the end from the beginning and He allows challenges in your life to cause you to trust Him more. As you put your faith in Him, you'll grow closer to God and you'll see your dreams come true!
"Father in Heaven, thank You for being with me. I choose today to focus on You and not on my situation. And I refuse to allow the enemy's attacks to come against my dreams. I will continue to walk by faith, not by sight knowing You are with me every step of the way. In Jesus' Name. Amen"
"Father in Heaven, thank You for being with me. I choose today to focus on You and not on my situation. And I refuse to allow the enemy's attacks to come against my dreams. I will continue to walk by faith, not by sight knowing You are with me every step of the way. In Jesus' Name. Amen" I will refuse to allow the "enemy" to attack or come against my dream of fulfilling this little girl's heart's desire. She has a Mommy and a Daddy with loving sisters and brothers. Once my oldest daughter told me something before Katie Aunna's adoption that has remained with me: "Mom, satan always tries to make you believe your dreams are impossible just before God is about to perform a big miracle in your life. Don't listen to the devil's trash!" Hmmm...not so dumb for being a kid...LOL. She turned 32 last March.
Please tell me you are laying hands on your computer screen pictures of Vika's dossier and praying for her miracle to happen and for us to receive the great blessing of having her in our life as our daughter ><> Trisha
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